Services: Copywriting & More
Copywriting, editing, proofreading and content optimization are my core services.
I also offer brand name development for products, services and events. And marketing communications assessment and planning, if you’re looking to jumpstart or overhaul your current efforts.
Need graphic design or website help? I work with a network of talented associates who provide graphic design and website planning, design and development. They can partner with me on your project, or I’m happy to work with other professionals of your choosing.
I write content for:
Branding: product, service, business, event, campaign
Working with me
You may need a lot of writing help, or just a little. The following descriptions can help determine your level of need:
Copywriting, editing and content optimization cover voice consistency, clarity, brevity, transitions, grammar, spelling, typos, punctuation, and keyword incorporation for web content.
Proofreading covers grammar, spelling, typos and punctuation only.
Once you’re ready to begin, let’s schedule an introductory meeting via phone, video or in person. This is where we’ll discuss your project’s scope, timeline, existing input materials and what you need from me.
I’ll also ask you questions about your organization, industry and competition. And what are the most relevant challenges for your company—and your customers. I listen and learn, to ensure you get the most effective content possible.
Copywriting project estimates include:
One input meeting.
One round of edits; additional rounds of minor edits at my discretion.
Content written in the tone and language of your company’s personality and industry.
SEO-minded copy for online projects.
My ability to dovetail with your existing marketing tools, or suggest new ones if you’re not satisfied with current performance.
My more than 20 years of professional expertise.